Sunday, February 23, 2020

For the Team

"The tension is unbearable."
"You too...?  I thought it was just me."
"No, no, no.  It's like the not knowing is making it worse."
"Right, eh?  They're like, 'go there and it'll all be worked out.'  So, we set it up..., and then nothing."
"It'd be one thing knowing what to expect--."
"You could prepare."
"Exactly.  Exactly what I was going to say.  Preparation is important in new situations."
"Preparation is key."
"But when you have no information--.
"None at all."
"...then there is tension."
"It's like, we're because of the tension--."
"The pre-existing tension."
"Exactly, the 'pre-existing' tension, and the not-knowing--."
"The lack of information."
"Exactly, the 'lack of information.'  The ignorance, if you will."
"Completely ignorant."
"The fact that we are completely ignorant about what is about to happen."
"No idea whatsoever."
"That we have 'no idea whatsoever' about what is about to happen, makes more tension."
"Tension on top of tension."
There was a long pause.
"You don't think we're being too 'judgy'...?"
"Yes.  You don't think we're failing to give them the benefit of the doubt."
"'The benefit of the doubt'?"
"We are not exactly in a 'benefit of the doubt' kind of business, are we?"
"No, I suppose we are not."
"No, you suppose that we are not.   Can there be any doubt about that."
"No..., I suppose that there cannot."
"And do you know what else that there cannot be any of?"
"There cannot be any supposing.  You either know, or you do not. And if you do not know, if you do not have certainty, well...."
"Well what?"
"You and I both know that there is a way that uncertainty gets screened out."
There was another long pause.
"I guess that explains it."
"Yes....  Explains what?"
"The tension."
"That would certainly explain it."
"It's all across my shoulders.  Up and down my neck too. Feels like something's gonna snap."
"Like after you check the wiring and hook up the cap, there's that moment when you slide it into the stuff....That instant, just as it's going in when you're not sure."
"Or like when you're going in for the wet work and you're not sure.  You know? I mean you've done your homework, but you're not sure, until you get your hands in there, whether you can take them.  Kinda like that."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Remember that one guy?"
"What guy?"
"You know, that one guy.  Great big bear of a guy. First you hit him with a clipboard, and then I hit him with a shovel?"
"Was that the guy who wouldn't stay down?"
"Would not fucking stay on the ground."
"Beat on him like his was a drum."
"Big fucking drum.  Don't you break the shovel on that particular individual?"
"You know that I am a simple working man."
"Regular Joe."
"A stand-up Joseph if ever there was one.  And as a working man, I depend on my tools."
"The first thing you taught me:  it's important to have good tools' you said.  Words to live by."
"Absolutely.  At this particular point, I am using shovels for a large part of my professional life and--I have to admit--I have developed a particular brand loyalty."
"When you find something that works...."
"Exactly, when it works you stick with it.  Only, as you well know--."
"As I know only too well."
"On this particular occasion--."
"At this moment, your loyalty was not repaid."
"No, indeed, it was not.  At this specific point in time, my loyalty was repaid with a snap, a crackle and a pop--."
"It goes flying."
""Exactly.  The head of the shovel goes flying and the bear--."
"The bear, at this moment, is  not even flushed. In fact--."
"Isn't this when he started smiling?"
"At this exact moment, he did, in fact, smile.  He started to smile and I knew--."
"We were in the shit then.  Definitely in the shit. He sure could dish it out."
"Precisely, he could take it and he could dish it out.  And I do not mind telling you that he was not stingy with the portions."
"No, indeed he was not."
"Thank goodness you found that jug."
"It was an amphora."
"Amphora?  Who knew? Whatever it was.  The big fucking jug that you hit him with.  That did the trick."
"Lucky it was there.  Never seen one before, except in the books.  Didn't expect it to be there and it just appeared."
"Wherever it came from, you found it and it did the job.  Put him down long enough so I could let the juice out."
"Lot of juice."
"Lot of guy, lot of juice.  You've got to expect that."
"You're right.  You are certainly right about that."
"About the juice?"
"About the tension.  That was very tense."
"I suppose that you have got to expect it."
"The tension:  it comes with the territory."
"That is true."
"You have to learn to live with it."
"I understand.  I just don't know how much longer I--."
"Can remain in this line of work?"
"I do not know how much longer until my shoulders will reach my ears from all this tension."
"I thought that it was your suit."
"I thought that this was a bold fashion choice that you were making with the exaggerated shoulders."
"I paid good money for this suit."
"The money may have been good--."
"Are you seriously going to criticize my sartorial sensibility?"
"I don't know about 'sensibility'...."
"I do not see where you are in a position to criticize."
"What's wrong with my clothes?"
"Wrong?  It is not about what is wrong; it's whether there's anything right."
"Just because I do not dress like a string of Christmas lights--."
"Is that what you think?"
"What I think is that we are supposed to be in the background, not walking around drawing attention to ourselves."
"I do not draw attention to myself.  When have I ever done that? Drawn attention to myself?  I would never risk a job, jeopardize an order like that."
"Oh really?"
"Really.  Name one time when I have risked--."
""You were ready with that one.  How long have you been waiting to throw that back in my face?  We got the job done, did we not?"
"You weren't the one to have to spend the next year and a half on the bench."
"Is this about the scars?  You can hardly see them anymore."
"Maybe you cannot."
"He got the jump, you have to expect that in this line of work."
"Fair is fair, but he got over on us because you were not paying attention."
"It's like they always say, 'time to buy something is when you see it.'"
"I got lead leaching into my bloodstream on account of you needing a new tie?"
"Look, I apologized, didn't I?"
"Do you still have it?"
"Have what?"
"The tie.  Do you still have the tie?"
"No.  Yes. I don't know."
"What do you mean by that?"
"What I mean is that you do not know if you still have that fucking tie, and I still have more lead in me that a goddamn number two pencil."
"Don't be such a baby."
"You heard me."
"A baby:  you are seriously calling me a 'baby' right now?"
"Yes.  You know the risks in this line of work.  Somebody always gets hurt. Nine times it's the order, and the tenth..., that's what you get paid for."
"How come I always seem to be number ten?"
"You're just 'lucky'?"
"I do not think luck even enters into it."
"You're angry."
"Damn straight.  You're not the one held together with after-market parts."
"Look, it just worked out that your end of the stick was shorter."
"But every time?  Every fucking time?"
"What are the odds?"
"Exactly, what are the odds?"
"Would it make you feel better if I gave you a free shot?"
"What do you mean?"
"After we're done here, how about I let you have one on the house?  Start to even things out"
"What?  Are you mad?"
"You and me, we are partners, are we not?"
"Sometimes I wonder."
"But today, right now, we are partners."
"So, I am saying, I am prepared--."
"You are 'prepared'?"
"To take one for the team, yes."
"You are prepared to do that?"
"I am prepared."
"Then there's no reason...."
"'No reason'?"
"To wait until after--."
"What?  Now?"
"Why not?  'For the team', remember?"
"Are you seriously going to pull one on me?"
"Right here?  Right now?"
"Can't think of a better time."
I distinctly said after this."
"I know what you said."
"And you still want to do this here?  Now?"
"But.., civilians?"
"Always a risk.  Besides, if I wait you'll be ready for it; expecting it."
"True enough, but still....  You're really going to do it?"
"Your idea."
"Yes, but--."
"But nothing."
"This will even the score.  After this we will be even?"
"It'll be a good start."
"Ah, you're using the Glock:  good choice."
"Nothing but the best for my 'partner.'"
At that moment, the door opened and a technician in rumpled blue scrubs stuck their head around the corner.
"Mr. Pink?  Mr. Wolf? We're ready for you."